Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Firefox 3.5 RC1 available now...

For all those firefox fans, here is some sweet, cute news to rejoice. The much-awaited firefox 3.5 has graduated from the beta stage to the RC1 stage. It is now available for download to all those enthusiastic guys out there(who want to risk with the RC). If you are already using one of those versions of 3.5x then you can directly check for updates from the help menu, from your firefox 3.5x browser or you can alternately download it from the various mirror sites.

Actually firefox has jumped from 3.0 to 3.5 as it considers this 3.5 as not just a mere update to the previous version but as a lot of innovative stuff added as ingredients. hence they didn't want to call it 3.1 and hence they skipped it to 3.5 and have created a lot of enthusiasm among web users. What it actually contains are some bug fixes and issues with wordpress. A lot of information is still under wraps and will be available as soon as the 3.5 is released as the final version.

If you want to try it for the first time here goes the link.

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