Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Beauty tips for this Summer...

Every girl wants to look their best. And they try a lot to keep their skin, hair and look to be healthy and mostly they succeed. Now enters summer and the scorching sun. Here lot of women have doubts about what to do to take good care of the main components of beauty hair, skin and make-up.Here is a site which gives you some small but very useful tips to maintain your beauty and look your best even in the hot summer.

Summer Hair Care::

We love to spend outdoors a lot these summer days but what about our hair. To make your hair look good rely on lemon. Try combing a little lemon juice through your hair and see the results. Be sure to deep condition your hair at least once a week.

Summer Skincare Tips::

Again if you are going outside be sure to use your sunscreen with SPF upto SPF 30. Make sure you drink lots of water, as it keeps you hydrated and above all it has been scientifically proved that drinking lots of water makes your skin glow. If you get skin tan or burns apply Aloe Vera, as it cools and brings a soothing effect to heal faster.

Summer Make-up Tips::

Red hot summer demands a light make-up instead of the heavy stuffed makeup. A light lip gloss gives you shine over your lips and is a lot better that the lipstick. A light eye shadow is recommended if you use it a lot, otherwise its better to have as less makeup as possible.

One more best beauty tip for summer is avoid outdoors. I know you wouldn't listen to me on this one. Okay then try this then, take lots of rest, I mean you simply sit back and relax.

Pic:: Koodal

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