Friday, August 21, 2009

Want to find out how "Google Caffeine" works???

Google has previously released the new version of Google search algorithm code named (or may be the real name itself) "Caffeine". Did you get a chance to search in this new algorithm of Google? Now you can, here it is a website named, where-in you can search in both the present Google search algorithm and Google's new algorithm Caffeine.

The results are shown side by side and my first impressions were that google is pressing more on its own results. By "OWN" I mean to say that if Google has some services regarding to a search, then those results are shown first in the order. Then the remaining results line-up.

I tried myself this site with my favorite search "George Bush" and the results showed up some what differently in both the algorithms. As I said Google sites were given first preference. This is just strictly my feeling and it may not be true with all the results. It better be good because bing and Yahoo search have teamed up and they definitely are making in-roads into Google market.


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