Monday, August 10, 2009

Read the foreign language sites - The Easy way...

Want to find some information and what you find is all foreign language websites? If you are in such a situation and you don't have any idea what these languages are but you really need that information right now and there is no time to learn the language to decode what it is all about, don't panic. Here is a solution from my dear 'Google'.

Google translate is the tool that you can use to translate some funny foreign language website to a site written in english. Most of the times, Google interprets the languages correctly but a few times you have to bare the brunt. Right now they are supporting a few foreign languages but they have been increasing the count for people like us.

The above pics display a dutch website that is translated into English using the google translate tool. You can do the same thing with whatever sites you find hard to read and the process is pretty straight forward, just type in the URL you want to translate and voila you have the translation in front of you. The best part here is you can translate English websites into your native language sites but you need to know a bit of English to do that atleast...

Via Google Translate

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