Sunday, January 4, 2009

Wonder err... Mysterious Kid...

A boy named Boris Kipriyanovich, or Boriska, lives in the town of Zhirinovsk of Russia’s Volgograd region. He was born on January 11, 1996. Since he was four he used to visit a well-known anomalous zone, commonly referred to as Medvedetskaya Gryada – a mountain near the town. It seems that the boy needed to visit the zone regularly to fulfill his needs in energy.
Why am I writing about him? Just because he predicts a big trouble for our mother earth. He might be a small kid but the stuff that he speaks about is really fascinating and absolutely frightening. He knows everything from the birth of universe to the civilizations that once existed on planet Mars. 
I can't explain everything about him here but just CLICK HERE to know more about him.

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