Monday, September 28, 2009

Nice little Mushrooms... How innocent they are!!!

These are the nice little mushrooms in front of our house. What amazed me is the growth rate of these little fellas. They were so small early in the morning that they were the size of a blade of grass in the lawn. But later in the day, they grew so huge that I wanted to have them for my lunch.

I know that some of you hate them but really guys don't simply hate them, they taste really good and if they are growing around in your lawn, they will enhance the look but not disturb anyone. Try it out once...

PS:: Click on the pics above and you will be greeted with a larger version of the pics which you can use on your desktops if you want. Observe the granularity in the enlarged pics. You will feel the soil so close to your eyes. This is reality at its best...

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